Thursday, January 16, 2014

Becoming a 21st century teacher

               Discuss how computers, the internet, social media, and other new technologies are affecting students' everyday experiences in and out of school.

           Technology is affecting students everyday lives inside of school and outside of school because they are always using technology. Technology has become apart of their everyday life. Most students in this decade have been introduced to technology since they were little kids in kindergarten. Technology is changing the way people live their lives and students as well as the way they are learning. 

                                                                      Tech tool 1.1

          I feel some tasks that need to get done in the teaching world would be to have every teacher have a tablet. I feel students also should have tablets as well to learn newer ways to use technology in there everyday lives and in the classroom. I can only hope that when I become a teacher that things would be that way. I feel like students would be engaged more and interact more in the classroom.


Chapter 1

        Becoming a 21st century teacher is about the technology and how students have been using technology every since they were younger. They have involved into a generation that is very focused on technology and how they use it in the world and in school. Also about how teachers are using technology more and more in their classrooms and in their everyday lives as well. How teachers use computers and they post their assignments and grades online. Also how each teachers continue to
learn and grow and use more technology in their classroom which they are building their learning identity.


1 comment:

  1. Great addition of the video to enhance your blog post! :) Your comment about using tablets in the classroom is definitely a reality in many schools - it has come to replace the paper and pencil to some degree as it is used for so many learning purposes. This is great for students and teachers, alike...but we also need to remember that all teachers are not versed in the use of such mobile computing. Thus a fair amount of professional development is needed. Great start to your blog - anxious to watch it grow! :)
